Rap Concerts

Rap Concerts

Anyone who has heard Jay Z, Mos Def, 2 pac, or Missy Elliott perform live in a rap concert surely know how it is to witness poetry and gangsterism marry into one mix and brand of music. This is what rap is: a marriage of poetry and gangster.

Rap is poetry, and let no one tell you otherwise. While some people degrade the idea of rap—into that type of music which degrades women and talks nothing except for drugs, sex and money—rap is so much more beyond the general misconception. People who misrepresent rap music apparently has never been to a rap concert.

Rap concerts are primarily about the music. Rap is music and rhyming thrown over a beat, something rap concerts showcase and are proud of. These are not the only things, though, that rap concerts showcase. Apart for the appreciation of music, rap music also provide a culture unique to the genre. Rap enthusiasts know that while rap concerts are all about the artists and their craft, rap concerts are also about the culture of rap. Surely a few winding and grinding down is to be expected, hot ladies who gyrate are there, and expect a few fans to lip-sync and sing along to their rap idols. For what do you expect in a concert? People are there to show their love.

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